Friday, February 15, 2008

So Many Lawyers...

Yes, I am a slacker blogger. However, I am going to try to make up for it this week. I have a ton of pictures that I need to post. But for now....

I am blogging from the Campus of Arizona State University. ASU is the location of this years J. Reuben Clark Law Society Conference. I have had a wonderful time. I can't believe the number of impressive people I have listened to in just 24 hours. Last night began with an amazing fireside featuring Sheri Dew. She spoke on influence and being a leader.

I then made the 1 hour trek across Phoenix to my cousin's home. He and his wife have been nice enough to put up me and a friend of mine from school. We got back to their house about 10, and were back up at 5 to get to ASU for the morning sessions.

Elder Wickman, who is a member of the Seventy and General Counsel for the Church was the first speaker. He talked about the general legal issues that face the Church including the Main Street Plaza and Clergy Privilege. We then had an ethics session featuring Dean Gordon, one of the funniest BYU professors.

The morning ended with breakout sessions. I attended the Women in the Law session. It was quite entertaining. A female judge from the 9th Cir. was one of the panel members. She talked about the issues she faced while trying to get a job in the 1960's. I was again aware of how far my gender has come in these short 40 years. However, we have so much further to go in the legal field.

The highlight of the day so far was the Keynote Address by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. She spoke on being an ethical lawyer, but not in the sense of just doing what is right. She focused on taking a proactive role to do good.

"Where much is given, much is required" has seemed to be an underlying theme of this entire conference. As people of faith trained in the law, we have the skills to do much good. I can't wait to have the opportunity to use my education to do good.

This conference is also amazing to me because of the size. There are so many people here!!! 700 mormon attorneys and law students. The law students are from over 50 universities. Wow. Mormon law students outside BYU? :P


K Walton said...

You got to hear from Sandra herself? You are moving on up Chel!

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