Monday, April 28, 2008

Graduation Party

I had hoped to have some wonderful pictures from this event, and I would have had I made it. We had been planning to go and I was so excited about it. However, morning of, I got sick. It was the stomach kind of sick that is hard to fight through. Still wanted to go. I layed around all afternoon hoping to feel better by 5. I was feeling a bit better, so we packed into the car and headed for Utah County. We made it to the Panda Express on University Parkway before poor Spencer was strongly instructed to pull over. I lost my cookies right there in the parking lot. I felt so bad for the people that pulled in right after we did.

We decided the party wasn't the best idea and headed back home. My dear sweetheart just held me until I headed to bed. It is moments like these that I have no doubts that I have picked the right man. Even watching me throw up, he thinks I am beautiful. Every time I get sick, I make him promise that he will hold my aching body when I am growing his child. It started out as a joke, but I know he will do it. Not only because he is grateful that I have to carry the children, but also because we are in this together. And by this, I mean life. It is funny to me that I have always struggled with the big decisions of life, but not this time. I knew early in our dating relationship that I wanted to spend eternity with this man. I wanted everything life had to offer with him.

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